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A dream city (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Different people prefer different conditions for their lifes. Someone prefer to live in a big city, someone seek to live in countryside. Lets try to consider all benefits and drawbacks in each cases.

The first of all big or small size of place, where you live, affects for spending time in transport. You need much more time to get to your destination in a big city, and you need less time if you live in a little one. It is a fact that the time is the most valuable thing which we have, so it is a real disadvаntage of living in a big city.

The second difference between big city life and living in countryside is infrustructure for entertainment and other household things like sewarage, electricity, warm water, heating, telephone and the Internet.

Of course, it depends on specific place, but I am sure you will have all of such things in different ranges in a big city. You will take different offers by manufactureres, sellers and you will have a good Internet speed and a possible to communicate wherever and whenever you want to. But consequence of such multivariance, I think, is a very high level of stress for some people. I guess, if you live in a big city from your childhood, such diversity is a habitually and is not a great stress, but if you move to the big city from a little, you will feel more worse because of pace of the big city. However, to live with the right to choose and to get all benefits of civilization (warm water, electricity, sewarage, heating) makes out life easier.

The third thing, that I find, like an advantage in big city life is a good level of medicine and education. The univercities, good schools, some special trainings and courses you can find offline only in a big city. The same concerns the medicine level. You can find a good pharmacy, professional doctor in the big city, and just someone without a neccesary experience and medical preparations in countryside.

I think, the advantages like comfortable life, be safe, have more opportunities is the most important than not get in stress. Of course, it is better to live in balance, not get in a hurry, more often get relax, but, I think, it is possible to do in a big city. As for me, I will prefer to live in a such place, where the weather is good for me and I don't care about big city is it or not.


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