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It Is better to read a book than to watch its film version пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

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Nowadays we are often told about the importance of literature and kino in our life. Some people are sure that it is better to read a lot and use our imagine whereas others claim that it is more useful to watch film version.

First of all, people who think that books are more productive believe it helps us to use our imagine more and makes us more thinking instead of the situation when we are watching the same plot.

Secondly , as a supporting details, they are sure books expend our vocabulary as they contain a lot of new unknown words that can be replaced in a film version.

Moreover , scientists have discovered that books calm sand prepare our brain for sleeping while films make us more excited and nervous.

Moreover there are some people who oppose to these points of view. They claim that films help to safe our time with we can spend on more important doings and our occupation.

They believe kino is more shorter than a literature novel with the similar story.

Also I do agree with these points of view^ I believe we should not regret time wasting on reading because books make our mind broader and our brains work with it while films just switch it off.

Taking everything into account I can make a conclusion that a film is just an interpretation of some plots which was made by some person.

if someone can show us a viewing of a story , why we can't do it in our minds by reading the original plot ?

Оценка эксперта:

К1 - содержание.

Аспект 2 - мнение автора не выражено конкретно.

Приходится догадываться чью точку зрения вы поддерживаете. (+/-)

Аспект 4 - нет несогласия с контраргументом. (-)

Аспект 5 - заключение. Снова нет конкретной точки зрения. (+/-)

Аспект 6 - стиль:

why we can't do it in our minds by reading the original plot ?(В эссе нельзя ставить ?!) (-)

Итого в первом критерии у вас: 2 "-", 2 "+/-". Этот критерий оценивается на "0" баллов. При получении 0 баллов по К1 - всё задание оценивается в 0 баллов.

Но вот еще ошибки, которые вы допустили.

К2 - организация.

Нет четкого деления на абзацы. Эссе построено логически неверно.

К3 - лексика. Имеются лексические ошибки. Например:

use our imagine(imagination - noun. ошибка повторяется несколько раз)

books expend our vocabulary(expend - ?. expAnd - расширять)

books calm sand prepare (Непонятно что вы пишете...)

К4 - грамматика. Имеются грамматические ошибки.

more shorter(shorter без more)

regret time wasting(regret about wasting time on...)

some person.

К5 - орфография и пунктуация. Орфографические ошибки.

with - which; expend - expand;


Taking everything into account I can make...(запятая после вводной конструкции "Taking everything into account")

Moreover there are some people(нет запятой)

Повторюсь, что при получении 0 баллов по К1 - всё задание оценивается в 0 баллов.

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