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It is more interesting to read a book than to watch its film version. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays less and less people read books. They prefer watching films. But there are also book lovers who find a lot of advantages of reading.

As for me, I enjoy reading books. In my opinion, it is more interesting than watching movies, because wile reading we let our imagination fly, we make our own view on the characters and their actions. Then, we broaden our mind, learn right spelling of the words and enrich our vocabulary. At the same time watching films doesn't have this effect on people.

But the others say that watching films helps to save time - we can combine doing something with watching a film.

They also say that watching films is more exciting and breathtaking because of the music and special effects which are used to attract the viewers.

HOwever, I cannot fully agree with this statement. Sure, watching a film takes less time than reading the book, but most films cut out the plot and we cannot understand a lot of details - only books show them. Secondly, the music and special effects represent producer's point of view and the action and location are influencsd by his view of the film too.

To draw a conclusion? I would like to say that reading books is much more profitable than watching a film, because only while reading we have a chance to feel the atmosphere of the book, get full account of the events and find our own point of view, not film producer's one.

Nowadays less and less people read books. They prefer watching films. But there are also book lovers who find a lot of advantages of reading.

As for me, I enjoy reading books. In my opinion, it is more interesting than watching movies, because wile reading we let our imagination fly, we make our own view on the characters and their actions. Then, we broaden our mind, learn right spelling of the words and enrich our vocabulary. At the same time watching films doesn't have this effect on people.

But the others say that watching films helps to save time - we can combine doing something with watching a film. They also say that watching films is more exciting and breathtaking because of the music and special effects which are used to attract the viewers.

HOwever, I cannot fully agree with this statement. Sure, watching a film takes less time than reading the book, but most films cut out the plot and we cannot understand a lot of details - only books show them. Secondly, the music and special effects represent producer's point of view and the action and location are influencsd by his view of the film too.

To draw a conclusion? I would like to say that reading books is much more profitable than watching a film, because only while reading we have a chance to feel the atmosphere of the book, get full account of the events and find our own point of view, not film producer's one.


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