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Exams motivate students to study harder example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Exams are important part of our life. But how do they affect learning? Some people think that exams impel students to study better, other suppose that examination doesn’t give real motivation.

As for me, I support the first opinion. To start with, students need to have much knowledge to pass exam well. This motivates them to listen to teacher more careful and to learn harder.

Besides that, the knowledge checking affects the examinee's future. For example, if a student passes an exam for a good grade, he can choose a further place of study or work at their own request . But if a pupil gets a bad mark, he has very little choice. Therefore, students strive to get excellent scores in the exam and study hard.

However, there are people who believe that exams don’t motivate but make students feel empty and depressed.

This can happen due to a large workload or fear of the examination. In this situation, the person does not have the strength to study hard and loses motivation.

Despite my respect for this opinion, I think such moments are short-lived and not only because of exams. Sooner or later the student will come out of this state and start preparing for examination with new strength for a successful future.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the role of knowledge checking in the modern world is very large. In order to achieve heights, you need to study hard and never give up.


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