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Than one can heal the hatred of people to each other - this is the problem raised by the author in the text. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Than one can heal the hatred of people to each other - this is the problem raised by the author in the text.

IA Il'in, discussing hatred, describes the behavior of a person at the time of perception of "alien antipathy". It can cause in ourselves, as the author believes, some embarrassment or even confusion, a sense of failure or own ineptitude. The publicist warns readers that one can not accumulate in oneself this other's hatred. It must be tamed by a ray of true love and forgiveness.

The author's position is formulated very clearly: "...

hatred is healed by love and only by love."

I agree with the opinion of I. Ilyin. More than once I observed in the classroom how tension and anger were dissipated, the conflict was exhausted only because one of the guys had successfully joked or quietly and reconciling called for love and mutual understanding.

The tragedy of William Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet" - one of the most visible examples, proving that hatred has one end - death. And only love, the ray of which even tame wild beasts, saves the orphaned families of the Capulets and Mantecas from a moral fall.

Thus, in the novel "Fathers and Sons" by IS Turgenev, the man who wanted to reconcile all and understand and love everyone was Arkady's father Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov. His whole life in the estate is built on mutual understanding and love, striving for peace and harmony. He repeatedly called on his brother, Pavel Petrovich, who at first feels dislike, and then hatred for Yevgeny Bazarov, listen to the words of the young freethinker, try to understand him, and if not, at least forgive.

Thus, I can conclude that hatred can be healed only by love.Than one can heal the hatred of people to each other - this is the problem raised by the author in the text.

IA Il'in, discussing hatred, describes the behavior of a person at the time of perception of "alien antipathy". It can cause in ourselves, as the author believes, some embarrassment or even confusion, a sense of failure or own ineptitude. The publicist warns readers that one can not accumulate in oneself this other's hatred. It must be tamed by a ray of true love and forgiveness.

The author's position is formulated very clearly: "... hatred is healed by love and only by love."

I agree with the opinion of I. Ilyin. More than once I observed in the classroom how tension and anger were dissipated, the conflict was exhausted only because one of the guys had successfully joked or quietly and reconciling called for love and mutual understanding.

The tragedy of William Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet" - one of the most visible examples, proving that hatred has one end - death. And only love, the ray of which even tame wild beasts, saves the orphaned families of the Capulets and Mantecas from a moral fall.

Thus, in the novel "Fathers and Sons" by IS Turgenev, the man who wanted to reconcile all and understand and love everyone was Arkady's father Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov. His whole life in the estate is built on mutual understanding and love, striving for peace and harmony. He repeatedly called on his brother, Pavel Petrovich, who at first feels dislike, and then hatred for Yevgeny Bazarov, listen to the words of the young freethinker, try to understand him, and if not, at least forgive.

Thus, I can conclude that hatred can be healed only by love.


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