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Whether loneliness affects personality is the problem over which M. Shirokova argues. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Whether loneliness affects personality is the problem over which M. Shirokova argues.

The author of this essay with anxiety argues that loneliness greatly affects the person. Some people have a lot of complexes: they are embarrassed to walk alone, go to a cafe, uncomfortably in an empty apartment, bored on vacation. The psychological state of single people often leads to a mental wound.

The position of M.Shirokova is expressed clearly and unequivocally: "people are tormentingly experiencing their loneliness", which suddenly remained alone in life.

I completely agree with the opinion of the psychologist: loneliness affects the personality.

It's very hard to feel that you do not need anyone, to feel that you have no one to share your thoughts with, to feel that loneliness literally "eats" you from within.

A striking example of this is the story of A. P. Chekhov "Vanka". The main hero of this work is the orphan Vanka Zhukov. He was given to a shoemaker to study in Moscow, where he lives unbearably. But the boy suffers no more from beatings, but from loneliness. His sadness he pours out in a letter to grandfather Konstantin Makarovich. The funny address on the envelope, written by Vanka, tells us, the readers, that the boy will remain alone in the cruel and cold world.

This is also the result of the sociological survey: "Does loneliness affect a person?", Which I met on the Internet. 80% of respondents answered the questionnaire positively, gave a lot of examples, how hard it is for them to be lonely. Behind some questionnaires the tragedy of the person was obviously looked through, that once again proves: loneliness can not pass simply so, not having touched a sincere state of the person.

Thus, I can conclude that loneliness affects the personality.The position of M.Shirokova is expressed clearly and unequivocally: "people are tormentingly experiencing their loneliness", which suddenly remained alone in life.

I completely agree with the opinion of the psychologist: loneliness affects the personality. It's very hard to feel that you do not need anyone, to feel that you have no one to share your thoughts with, to feel that loneliness literally "eats" you from within.

A striking example of this is the story of A. P. Chekhov "Vanka". The main hero of this work is the orphan Vanka Zhukov. He was given to a shoemaker to study in Moscow, where he lives unbearably. But the boy suffers no more from beatings, but from loneliness. His sadness he pours out in a letter to grandfather Konstantin Makarovich. The funny address on the envelope, written by Vanka, tells us, the readers, that the boy will remain alone in the cruel and cold world.


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