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Man is able to lead his feelings, has moral strength to overcome alcoholism, - this is the problem that D. Novoselov is discussing. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Man is able to lead his feelings, has moral strength to overcome alcoholism, - this is the problem that D. Novoselov is discussing.

The author, with the example of a hero returning from prison, shows us how important it is to eradicate bad habits, to fight against vicious instincts. After all, what would have happened if my father had not stopped drinking? D. Novosyolov is sure that he would never have found an understanding with his son.

Alcoholism is one of the main social tragedies, bringing many problems to every family. To be able to overcome your ailment is to commit an act, which really deserves respect.

The author is sure of this.

I completely agree with the opinion of D. Novoselov. The fate of a man who can not overcome his bad habits is tragic. And if the hero has defeated his moral malady, as a character in the story, how many happy moments he will give his life!

A vivid example of the tragic fate of a man who can not control his feelings is the life of the great actor, master of the author's song of Vladimir Vysotsky. His work is famous all over the world, and the songs are popular to this day. But he could not suppress the craving for alcohol and drugs, could not get out of the "rut", the edges of which are "slippery and high" ...

No less striking example of the tragedy of a man who could not cope with his vicious instincts is the life of the great writer Stephen King. His novels are known all over the world, on them are shot no less popular movies. But exactly what the writer could not cope with the craving for drugs, and led him to a moral death.

Man is able to lead his feelings, has moral strength to overcome alcoholism, - this is the problem that D. Novoselov is discussing.

The author, with the example of a hero returning from prison, shows us how important it is to eradicate bad habits, to fight against vicious instincts. After all, what would have happened if my father had not stopped drinking? D. Novosyolov is sure that he would never have found an understanding with his son.

Alcoholism is one of the main social tragedies, bringing many problems to every family. To be able to overcome your ailment is to commit an act, which really deserves respect. The author is sure of this.

I completely agree with the opinion of D. Novoselov. The fate of a man who can not overcome his bad habits is tragic. And if the hero has defeated his moral malady, as a character in the story, how many happy moments he will give his life!

A vivid example of the tragic fate of a man who can not control his feelings is the life of the great actor, master of the author's song of Vladimir Vysotsky. His work is famous all over the world, and the songs are popular to this day. But he could not suppress the craving for alcohol and drugs, could not get out of the "rut", the edges of which are "slippery and high" ...

No less striking example of the tragedy of a man who could not cope with his vicious instincts is the life of the great writer Stephen King. His novels are known all over the world, on them are shot no less popular movies. But exactly what the writer could not cope with the craving for drugs, and led him to a moral death.


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