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What are the moral traits that sports develop in humans - this is the problem over which VA thinks. Novoskoltsev. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

What are the moral traits that sports develop in humans - this is the problem over which VA thinks. Novoskoltsev.

The author, talking about the activities of Pierre de Coubertin, an outstanding French teacher and public figure, the initiator of the revival of the Olympic Games, following de Coubertin says that sport should promote the development of harmony of mind and power.

V.A. Novoskoltsev is sure that sport, forming "true morality" among athletes, should call for a fair fight, help to develop nobility.

I share the position of the author and admire the tasks that the great public figure set before the athletes. It is gratifying that many Russian sportsmen formed sports for these moral qualities.

So hockey player Yaroslavl "Locomotive" Ivan Tkachenko, who crashed with the team near Yaroslavl, 15 minutes before his death, transferred 500 thousand rubles to the account of 16-year-old girl Diana Ibragimova, a cancer patient.

As it turned out later, this was not the only time Tkachenko transferred large sums to those who needed money to treat children. Is not this an example of nobility?

At the 2004 Olympics in Athens, Alexei Nemov came to the rank of an obvious favorite and leader of the Russian national team. And he came out confidently. However, the performance of the athlete was overshadowed by a judicial scandal. After the performance on the crossbar, Aleksei's assessments were clearly understated, which was not liked by the spectators present on the stands of the Olympic arena, who supported the athlete for 15 minutes with unceasing applause, not allowing the next gymnasts to step onto the platform. The behavior of Alexei is striking. He did not indignantly, without showing emotion, did everything to calm the audience. Is this not an example of the fact that the Russian Olympian has developed a sense of harmony between reason and strength? Is not this an example of the fact that we have a noble man who has become such a sport.So hockey player Yaroslavl "Locomotive" Ivan Tkachenko, who crashed with the team near Yaroslavl, 15 minutes before his death, transferred 500 thousand rubles to the account of 16-year-old girl Diana Ibragimova, a cancer patient. As it turned out later, this was not the only time Tkachenko transferred large sums to those who needed money to treat children. Is not this an example of nobility?


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