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38. Spending time with friends, online education (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The most favourite thing of young generation it is spend time with friends. The aim of the project I am currently working on is to explore where Zetland teenager spend time with close friends. As a part of my project, I have found some data on the subject, which I am going to analyse.

As can be seen from the table, 36 per cent of the respondents interact with friends in schools, making it the most popular reason. It is also worth mentioning, that slightly more than one fifth of the young generation communicate with peers on online platform (24%).

Coffee shop is the least popular way to meet with friends.

The table also shows that online platforms are twice as popular as friends’ houses ( 24% and 12% respectively). It can be seen that not every close friend lives nearby, so they can chatting online.

One problem that can arise with friendships, that during our lives, we meet lots of people but not all of them become our friends. To solve this problem youth should test friends with time and prove worthy.

In conclusion, I believe that friendships between teenager it is the best time of their life. Life is meaningless without friends, because they make our life interesting and enjoyable.

Online education is not always a good way to gain knowledge. The aim of the project I am currently working on is to explore disadvantages of online education considered by student in Zetland. As a part of my project I have found some data on the subject, which I am going to analyse.

As can be seen from the table, 40 per cent of the respondents consider the cons is excessive screen-time, making it the most popular disadvantage. It is also worth mentioning, that one fourth of the surveyed think distractions at home disadvantage of online study (25%). Connectivity problems is the least popular cons to study online, at 7%.

The table also shows that Internet quality a little more than twice as unpopular as decrease in study motivation. It can be seen that nowadays we have the ability to have the fastest internet ever.

One problem that can arise with online education, that the student does not communicate with peers in real life. To solve this problem students should meet after online classes and walk in parks.

In conclusion, I believe that online education plays an important role in the modern world. For example, there was a coronavirus around the world, teachers taught lessons on Zoom, so that children would continue to gain knowledge without contact with the infected.


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