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Online education will replace traditional education in the future (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, online education becomes more and more popular. Some people think that online learning will displace usual education, while others claim that traditional education is irreplaceable.

I strongly believe that students will only study online in the future. Firstly, learning through the Internet is time-consuming for both students and schools. Students and teachers do not need to spend time on the road to school or University. Moreover, teachers can deliver a lesson to all classes by video instead of teaching the same things again and again. Secondly, e-learning is very convenient. Students all over the world can learn anything and anywhere provided that they have computer or smartphone connecting. You can study from home at any school or University in the world.

However, there are people who claim that traditional education will never be replaced. They think that studying under supervision motivates students to learn hard. Due to the fact that there are some students who are lazy, it is essential for them to have tutors who control students' studies and help them have good academic results. Teachers can give some feedback for students to make sure that they understand all their mistakes and improve these errors.

I cannot agree with the viewpoint above. I think that online education can contain all the qualities of usual training. There are many ways to test students ' knowledge online. Students can send completed works to the teacher's email address, and teachers can create tests online and monitor the students ' progress.

All in all, I still believe that online education will completely replace traditional education in the future, because it has a lot of advantages. This provides students with many opportunities and improves the educational process, as it takes less time and it is more convenient than traditional learning.


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