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По книге Tо Kill a Mockingbird (Убить пересмешника) (Школьные сочинения)

An amazing book that makes you think.

Before I have not read books told by a little girl, this is an interesting and unusual technique that shows us the world through the eyes of a child! deep insight into the personalities of the characters, a smoothly flowing plot, important issues of discrimination, in a word, the book is relevant now.

This is the story of a sleepy little town in the American South, told by a little girl, Jean Louise "Scout" Finch. The story of her brother Jim, friend Dill and her father - the honest, principled lawyer Atticus Finch.

The story of the trial of a black boy who was falsely accused of raping a white girl.

What amazes me the most is Scout's reasoning. She is smart beyond her years. Her statements make us question, rethink and reflect on the beliefs and prejudices that we hold in our minds. As we get older, we empathize less with the problems of others. This is completely understandable when Jem Finch, still a child, suffers injustice over Tom

Robinson (as opposed to the heartlessness of his adult neighbors), whom the court found guilty. This episode is the most memorable for me. On this day, I went angry with the heroes of the book, and indeed with injustice in the world! I was emotionally involved in the book.

Also, this book touches upon such problems as social inequality, problems of family and raising children, tolerance, the theme of good and evil.

The book covers many moral and social issues. In 1930s America, blacks had no rights. Knowing this, Atticus Finch still decides to defend him, knowing in advance that he will lose the case.

In conclusion: a gripping book, beautifully written, read in one breath, a must-read for adults and children!


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