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In the digital age museums are still important. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

In the digital age museums are still important. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? (Сочинение по английскому языку, написанное в формате ЕГЭ).

The heated debates about the relevance of museums in the age of the Internet have been going on for a long time. Some people believe that museums are still significant while others suppose that museums lost their importance in the age of new technologies.

Personally I belong to those people who think that museums are still relevant. To begin with, visiting brick-and-mortar museums is necessary because it gives us an opportunity to feel the atmosphere of the ancient times.

Also, visiting the store of knowledge broadens people’s outlook. Secondly, you can meet like minded people in the museum. So there you can make friends who are interested in the same field.

Opponents of this view argue that in the age of new technologies museums are not important. Their argument is that it is not necessary to spend a lot of time on the way to the museum to study (look at) exhibits. You can do it more conveniently online because in the Internet there are images of all artworks and artifacts.

I do not think that they are right as there are guides in museums who can answer all your questions and help you get information in a captivating way. That is why, you will learn more in the museum than in the Internet.


In conclusion, all the views taken together I still stick to the point that museums are still significant because people going to them broaden their horizon and learn history and art. Also, visiting the store of knowledge is a great opportunity to meet people with similar interests and likes.

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