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In the digital age museums are still important (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Strange as it might seem, but there are a lot of possibilities to visit museums without going out. ...

(начало есть на других сайтах, далее идет только уникальное продолжение)

They claim that the internet contains the whole bank of information and photos which give you a clear notion of this or that exhibit. Besides, with the help of special programmes it has become possible to go on virtual excursions.Despite all the arguments drawn above, I still speak in favour of museums, live tours and excursions. They let us not only see exhibits in flesh but also and what is more important: trace masterpieces in every detail to admire it and feel deeply what an artist was about to say.In conclusion, I want to highlight that museums will always be popular as they meet current demands at the modern generation.

The clue is that technologies have entered museums and they peacefully coexist. Museums are computerized, thus, we can observe a unique combination of history and latest technological tendencies.


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