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№39 и 40.1 Childhood is the safest period of human life (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

People have always considered childhood is one of the most crucial parts of human life. However, many people argue: “Is this period the safest in our life or not?”

In my opinion, during childhood, people live the safest time. Firstly, while we are young, our parents constantly protect us from cruelty and violence in any area of our life. Secondly, children have some privileges by law in comparison with adults. In instant, a kid stolen something will not be judged as strict as a grown-up, because he is only growing. Finally, children experience a lack of knowledge about the world they live, it makes them feel safety and comfort.

However, there is another group of people, believing that childhood is not the safest period in life as it might seem.

They mention that exactly during these ages people are used to be victims of unfair bullying from peers, while adults behave them with each other reasonably. Besides, children are more exposed to different diseases and injuries, because their bodies are not strong enough yet.

I respect another point of view, but I still consider that this period of our life is the securest one. Bullying during childhood is simply incomparable with rudeness and violence adults meet. Also, all people are exposed to various diseases, but during young ages they less harmful than when we are older.

To conclude, you will never find anything more innocent than your childhood. This is the beginning of our journey and the opening is always safer.

Nizhny Novgorod



Dear Mary,

Thanks for your recent letter. I was glad to hear some news from you.

As for me, I think that the most fearful disaster is an earthquake. It’s able to cover vast areas and break them, demolishing infrastructure people need for a normal life. Also, the earthquake is always connected with tremendous human victims. Fortunately, there isn’t such a disaster in our region. However, sometimes we experience heavy flood because of a large river nearby. So, we build special reinforcements to lessen damage from it. I'm sure that the best thing people struggling from disasters can do is to create special preparations beforehand.

By the way, what about you? How long do you know your history teacher? What did he/she do to receive this award? How did your teacher celebrate that event?

I’m sorry, now I need to help my parents. Write soon!

Best wishes,



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