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Some people think that young people should follow in their parents' footsteps when choosing a future profession пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays the issue of future profession choice is considered to be extremely vital. Therefore, some people believe that it is better for young people to be engaged in their parents` jobs, while others claim that such choice should be made by themselves.

In my opinion, it is more rational to make a decision on your own. Firstly, I suppose so due to the fact that each of us has different predispositions and interests. As a consequence, one job which is perfect for someone may not be suitable for others. Secondly, it is common knowledge that it is impossible not to be privileged on the position, which transferred you from your parents. It seems to me that it is thoroughly unfair.

Nevertheless, there are some people who do not share this opinion.

They affirm that if a young man follows in parents` footsteps he or she will unequivocally become proficient in this job because parents are able to convey their children all their experience and knowledge.

To a certain extent, they are right. However I still stand my ground because in spite of fact that a young man may become prosperous in some deal with help of parents, he or she may detest this job, because this choice was not voluntary. I imply that those parents who want their children to continue their deal, as a rule, do not ask them whether they want it or not.

To sum up, I strongly believe that it is necessary to listen to your heart when you choose your profession; therefore it is needless to obligatory take over the reins of a parents` job.


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