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Education polishes good natures and corrects bad ones example 2020 (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It is a well-known fact that education is one of the most important things in our life. Some people believe that upbringing cannot make person’s qualities better, while others have the opposite point of view.

As for me, I believe that education has a positive effect on our natures and improve them. Firstly, people could not have good manners, if parents did not educate them in childhood. So parental remarks and guidance play a great role in improving and correcting our natures. Secondly, educational establishments also affect students greatly forming certain features, for example, children should follow a class schedule, dress code and rules of conduct.

However, there exists another point of view on this issue.

Some people believe, nothing can fix a person, who has a bad nature. In their opinion, becoming mannered and civilized totally depends on a person and his or her desire. So education has nothing to do with development of one’s character.

I am afraid I cannot agree with aforementioned statement. I think the majority of people cannot correct their bad natures themselves, because they do not see themselves from the outside. So education helps them see it and gives them opportunity to improve themselves.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that the importance of education cannot be overdone, because it is one of the best way to improve yourself and become a role model.


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