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Following the fashion trends is waste of time and money (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Issues connected to fashion are frequently discussed these days. Some people claim that it is madness to spend financial means and time in order to be trendy, whereas others disagree with this statement.

To my mind, trying to be fashionable and keep up with fashion means spending time and finances is carelessly. To start with, people lose their individuality. Fashion trends dictate people the rules of dressing up and doing make up, when many people get used to expressing themselves and standing out from the crowd by wearing special clothes, which show their personalities. Furthermore, following the fashion trends is a short-term investment. Every season has its own trend, therefore, it is impossible to keep up with them. The prices of fashionable clothes are exorbitant.

On the other hand, there are people who do not share this view and spend a fortune on their appearance.

They claim that stylish clothes increase their self-confidence. Those who take care of their appearance tend to be self-possessed and feel comfortable in any situation. As a result, they get more popularity among friends and other acquaintances.

Nevertheless, I am still against the idea of purchasing expensive trends. Stylish clothes might not be suitable for all people, as most designers do not provide people the variety of clothes sizes.

To sum up, despite the fact that a flood of people are keen on fashion, I strongly believe that it is not necessary element of life. The personal qualities are much more important rather than attractive appearance.


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