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A city lifestyle is really harmful пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays people have different views on the issue devoted to city life as a destructive one. Some people think that there is nothing better than the life in a city. To my mind, they are right. Others are sure that a city lifestyle has a detrimental impact on people. So, in this essay I will try to express my point of view on this issue.

Personally, I strongly believe that city life does not have bad influence on people. First of all, there are different sport and health-improving centers in the city that help people to stay healthy. Moreover, if you live in a big city, you can graduate from the most popular university, find a well-paid job and have more opportunities for personal development.

However, not all people share the first point of view on this issue.

They are sure that city lifestyle is rather unsafe for people. Many of youngsters become addicted to drugs and alcohol. So, they often commit crimes to get more money.

Although the mentioned idea seems sensible for some people, I cannot agree with it. I am sure that city life is beneficial for people. The restrictions on harmful emissions are tough today. So, air and water are not polluted in big cities.

To sum up, there are two points of view on the issue whether a city lifestyle is harmful for people. I strongly believe that city life is not bad at all. It is quite comfortable and really enjoyable for all people.

250 words


- there are different sport and health-improving centers in the city that help people to stay healthy;

- if you live in a big city, you can graduate from the most popular university, find a well-paid job and have more opportunities for personal development;

- the restrictions on harmful emissions are tough today. So, air and water are not polluted in big cities.


- city lifestyle is rather unsafe for people. Many of youngsters become addicted to drugs and alcohol. So, they often commit crimes to get more money.


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