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Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol, morphine or idealism (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Each person has a certain dependence on something. These can be dangerous addictions that can seriously affect human health or even lead to death. Such as drugs, alcohol, tobacco products, etc.

But today there is a new breed of addicts, there are dependencies that do not so seriously affect the physical health of a person, but greatly change the mental state of people, their behavior. Behavioral addictions include compulsive attachments to plastic surgery, the internet, mobile phones and even sun beds. And while behavioral addictions may sound less serious than being hooked on drink or drugs. according to express their potential for Wrecking lives may actually be quite similar

Firstly we should talk about drugs, alcohol, tobacco products addiction.

All these products negatively affect people's health and cause addiction. They affect the minds of people and further bring to serious health problems. Many people are aware of the seriousness of the harm of these substances, but continue to use them because it is very difficult to stop and quit this habit.

Secondly, there are different addictions such as internet addiction, tanning obsession, shopaholic, amd others. Еach of these addictions causes enormous damage to the mental health of a person. He changes his behavior and his behavior with people around him. He begins to feel addicted to something and cannot feel happy without his addiction. For example, people who are addicted to phone or the Internet do not can live normally without their mobile phones. Person becomes a victim of his own habits and it is difficult for him to abandon such behavior. Many people begin to lock themselves in or stop communicating with their relatives and friends, and in such cases they need the help of a specialist. I believe that strong people who can take care of themselves and cope with their habits can overcome any addiction but only with the help of their friends and parents they will be able to survive this phase of life much easier.

All in all, I believe that any addiction is bad because it negatively affects a person’s health or his behavior. Any person can overcome his addiction but for this he needs the necessary help


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