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Write 8–10 sentences about your last Sunday (Школьные сочинения)

ГДЗ по английскому языку; Rainbow English; 5-й класс; Рабочая тетрадь; Unit 1; упр. 27; стр. 20.

Вариант ответа №1

Last Sunday the weather in my town was cold, wet and windy, and I decided to stay at home. I lay in my bed until midday playing on my smartphone. Then I got up, had breakfast and started watching an important football match on TV together with my father. When the match was over I took a book about English kings from the shelf and read one part of it. After reading I got a bit sleepy and did some exercises to feel better. In the evening I had dinner with my parents and went to my room. It was boring there and I decided to call my elder sister who lives in New York. It was very nice to hear her voice again. We talked for about an hour and were very happy.

After that I fell asleep.

Вариант ответа №2

Last Sunday I did a lot of different things. In the morning I took my dog out for a walk. Near my house I met my friend Dima and we went to the town park. We talked about our English lessons and played with my dog. Suddenly we felt thirsty and bought two bottles of orange juice. It was so tasty! We took a selfie together with Dima and I went back home. At home I washed up, cleaned the floor, boiled the kettle, did my homework for the next week, watched a movie on TV, listened to a few English songs and went to bed.

Вариант ответа №3

Last Sunday my parents and I decided to go to the forest. We got up at 5 a.m., had breakfast, got into our big car and went to the nearest forest. It took us about half an hour to get there. The weather was perfect and the forest was very beautiful and calm. We quickly found a place with a lot of berries and mushrooms and were very happy. We saw some interesting animals in the forest. I saw a red fox and a fast squirrel and my father says that he saw a deer. We took about a hundred great pictures in the forest. After three hours of walking in the thick forest we felt a little tired and drove back home. At home we had tea with fresh tasty berries and went to sleep.


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