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Why I want to be a teacher (Школьные сочинения)

I dream of being a chemistry and biology teacher. I consider the work of a teacher to be very important. I would like to tell you more about why I like this profession.

To be a teacher, a person must be stress-resistant. In general, a teacher has to combine many different qualities. Everyone knows that children love teachers with a sense of humor. You can also add love for children to the important qualities of a teacher. After all, a person who does not love children can't work with them. In my opinion, the main thing in a teacher is his attitude to science. If a person likes the science he is studying, he will be able to interestingly present it to students.

The teacher has a lot of knowledge in his power. A teacher has to be fully developed. Moreover, he must be able to explain the teaching material to the students. The teacher is the mediator between the child and science. It is not only the teacher's responsibility to communicate information. He has to be creative in his approach to this task. The teacher must be able to arouse pupils' interest in the science in question. It is also the teacher's duty to check student's knowledge. This is a complicated process which takes a lot of time for the teacher. When testing knowledge, the teacher should assess students fairly. It is not permissible for a teacher to overstate or understate grades. He should not allocate his favorite pupils to himself. In this way he should show children that they are all equal. A teacher has a lot of boring work to do. He has to check a lot of the same tasks. The teacher has to fill out a lot of reports. He also has to do a lot of tasks for the students. The teacher's work is very difficult. He has to prepare for each lesson. It is difficult when you consider that he has 4-7 lessons per day. And some teachers also have a lot of extra lessons. Also the teacher has to have a good health. A teacher must be able to make contact with people. In the course of work, he will have to make contact not only with the pupils, but also with their parents. A teacher must treat his students with respect. He also has to build a good relationship with each student. He should not only give children knowledge, but also help them to know themselves. The teacher should pay much attention to the emotional state of his students. He should motivate them and help them to overcome difficulties. The teacher should set a good example for the pupils. This is because pupils spend most of their day at school. It is the responsibility of the teacher to create a cosy atmosphere in the classroom. He should take care of its purity and beautiful appearance.

From all my words, I can conclude that a teacher's work is very valuable. Many people are frightened by this profession. They can be understood, because the work of a teacher will take a lot of time and effort. Every day they have to work with a lot of completely different people. The most important thing is that they have to find an approach to each of them. The most important thing is that the teacher must find an approach to each of them. On the other hand, working with children is interesting. Children are our future. They are constantly inventing something new, so it will never be boring with them. Working as a teacher is not only mental work, but also physical work. Many young professionals are afraid to go to school. They are afraid of not being able to make contact with the children. For them, it seems difficult to gain the trust of children and to gain respect for themselves. I don't think you should be afraid of that. I am sure that in any profession there are difficulties. The only difference is whether a person wants to fight them. I am aware of all the pros and cons of my chosen profession. I am ready to work. I'm ready to learn well so I can pass this knowledge on to my students.


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