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«An early choice of a career path is the key to success» (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

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Some people think that happy result depends on the rapidity of making a career settlement, others do not agree with them. Who is right?

Personally, I believe that there is no uniting between an early selection of a career footpath and success in life. Firstly, it is quite difficult to determine your future job when, you are young and there is no exact probability if a person will become successful or not. Secondly, many people become successful in middle ages because they have more knowledge and experience that they had in their youth.

However, there are people who think that the key to success is provided by making a career decision in advance. A people can set up a goal from early ages and start working hard to achieve it. It is more possible that such person will not hesitate in the future about a job. He or she will be confident and ready for obstacles.

Nevertheless, I do not agree with these arguments. This is exactly owing to my belief that a determined person would not regret his choice.

Moreover, youngsters who develop skills in only one field have more opportunities to become more advanced and successful professionals than others..

To sum up, I would like to accentuate that both opinions have their fine pros and cons. However, I am sure the key to happy result is knowledge, not an early choice of a career and experience appears with ages.

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Необходимо выразить две противоположные точки зрения развернутым предложением. Например:

Some people believe that the earlier a person chooses a career, the more successful he/she will be, while others suppose that the decision on the future job in an early age does not influence on the prosperity.

Первый аргумент звучит необоснованно, нет конкретного факта. Сложность выбора никак не возражает тому факту, что ранний выбор карьеры гарантирует успех. Более того нужно объяснить, что неважно какой возраст, человек может стать успешным и в зрелом возрасте.

Второй аргумент нечетко сформулирован. Если вы говорите, что некоторые люди становятся успешными будучи в осознанном возрасте, это не значит, что они не выбрали свою карьеру еще в детстве, также это в принципе не является возражением к заявленному тезису. Лучше было сказать:

Secondly, there are many examples when people have become successful despite the fact that they chose their career in adulthood. It relates to the fact that they were more experienced and wiser to make a reasonable decision about their future career.

Абзац с противоположной точкой зрения засчитан.

Возражение противоположной точке зрения (4 абзац) не содержит ни одного аргумента, которые опровергали бы предыдущий абзац. Можно было сказать:

I think that no matter how long a person develops in a particular sphere he/she should work intensively to become successful. That is not a question of time but a question of perseverance and diligence.

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