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University degree is a must-have for success in modern world (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The modern society differs with such feature as unthinkably big difficulties in area of employment. Some people think that this had happened due to fact that job placement now leans on constantly expanding set of criterion, the leading of them being a university degree. There are also some people who think of that another ways, but there are only a few of them.

What concerns me, I personally think that in conditions of the modern society a university degree is indeed a must-have for literally everyone. To begin with, the fact of having it increases your chances of getting a good profession dramatically. Besides, it also expands the variety of professions you may choose from. In the end, after you work on your degree, it works on you afterwards, opening you the doors to almost anywhere.

But there are also some people who do not share this opinion at all.

Firstly, they claim that you might, for example, get a secondary education and after that go get a job by your specialty. Finally, these people also think that there are ways of getting a good and well paid job without studying for a university degree.

However, I cannot agree with opinion like that. Nowadays the university degree is essential for getting qualified and properly paid job, while most of secondary education jobs are paid very poorly, and there is no denying that fact.

To conclude what I have said before, I would like to restate that one needs to study hard and instantaneously to obtain the opportunity to have a job of their dream.


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