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A person's job or education plays a more important role in their life than personal relationship (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays people are becoming obsessed with high - quality education and successful career. For many professional breakthrough has become the main life goal. However, a lot of people still consider the loved ones the most valuable thing in their lives. That is why there is an arguing whether studying and personal career are more significant than family and friends.

Personally, I believe that spiritual development is much more important than material one. And it can be accomplished with the help of loved ones. First of all, while communicating with people one learns about relationship, human psychology and emotions, which is the most useful knowledge, in my mind. Secondly, even if you are well - educated, have a good job and are surrounded with a lot of money, you are risking to end up being alone.

No success can make one happy, as people do.

However, there is another opinion. A lot of people are convinced that only education and good job can make you feel blessed by making lots of money. Money is the only way to become truly happy. It can buy anything you want.

Nonetheless, I strongly believe that money cannot buy good health, feeling of emotional support, spiritual wealth and, finally, happiness. A human being is social creature. Even biologically one cannot be happy without personal relationship.

To sum up, this topic is quite controversial and everybody is free to choose whatever they like. And still I strongly believe human relationship the most valuable thing in the world.


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