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Only people who earn a lot of money are successful пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some people share an opinion that one's personal income is the only representation of their success. On the contrary, others insist that life achievements could not be measured in any currency.

In my opinion, it is impossible to say whether someone has reached their life goals based on their financial state.

First of all, an important side of life success is being accepted by people and feeling the importance of your own contribution to society. Often the one's salary does not reflect such matters.

Moreover, some people consciously reject well-paid job offers that would require from them to work more hours in favour of having free time that they could spend with their family or doing their hobbies. For sure these people feel equally more even more satisfied while having less money than they could be earning.

However, others suggest that financial prosperity is the best indicator of success.

It is a common opinion that a thriving business or a well-paid job are the only ways for others to judge whether the person having them is successful or not, and thus money is the only objective indicator of one’s life achievements.

I disagree with the said opinion because there are plenty of things in life that are less obvious but they still are some of the other indicators of personal success. They could be a loving family, a creative hobby of important social work, and all of these achievements are equally important.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the financial side of life could not guarantee someone’s success. I think that so many hidden things that make us feel like we have achieved something important that no other person can objectively judge one’s success.


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