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Advantages and disadvantages of living in a foreign country (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays foreign travel has become increasingly cheap and convenient, more and more people are discovering new places. Some of people prefer these places to their own countries and decide to move there, while others are convinced that there is nothing better than their home cities.

In my opinion, living abroad is quite a priceless experience. One of the main advantages of living in a foreign country is that it gives people the opportunity to experience an entirely different way of life, which can be a valuable form of education. They can learn new customs and try local dishes. In addition, many people become more independent and self-reliant by having to cope with different situations on their own way.

However, there are some people with the opposite opinion. They think that people who live abroad often experience moments of isolation, frustration and loneliness.

This can be caused by communication problems, especially if you cannot speak the language yet.

Nevertheless, I do not agree with the above opinion. When people live in a foreign country they are given the chance to learn and become fluent in another language through every-day use. It is very beneficial as they hear native speakers and learn popular idioms.

To sum up, although living in a strange place is a kind of experience, which can be stressful at first, I strongly believe that living abroad is a good way to learn how to co-exict with others. Perhaps, if everyone experienced the life in a foreign country, relations between countries might improve and the world would become a more peaceful place.


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