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Appearance and character (Сочинение на свободную тему)

Each person is unique. All people have their own unusual appearance and character. When we meet a person at the first time we look at his features. Then we are interested in person’s inner world. If people like each other's appearance and character, they fall in love and start dating. So I can say that appearance and character important in a boyfriend and in a girlfriend. The question is, what is more important.

Unfortunately, appearances can be misleading. Usually beautiful blondes seem haughty and stupid to us, and we think girls with a common appearance or ugly face are timid and calm. However, I believe that these are all stereotypes. It is difficult to know a person’s character only by appearance.

Beauty can be silly or smart. An unattractive guy can be mean or the kindest person you have ever met. Appearances are often deceptive.

So I’m sure that in boyfriend his inner world is more important than his looks. It is better to have common interests, good relations and always be on the same wavelength with him than to suffer from the difference in your character traits, but to see the envy of your friends because of your boyfriend's appearance.

When you meet a person for the first time probably it's hard not to pay attention to his appearance. You can easily fall in love with his blue eyes, slim body, fashionable hairstyle, but then maybe you will make a mistake. We must get to know a person very closely, talk about his interests and his worldview.

In conclusion, I want to say that appearance and character are very important for each person, so you should not judge a person only by his features. If you love your boyfriend for his inner world, it will not matter for you what he looks like.


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