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Advantages and disadvantages of credit cards (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Credit cards have become really popular nowadays. Everybody uses them for paying different bills or just for daily purchases in shops. Some people think that it is not wise to let teenagers use a credit card at an early age. Others are of the opinion, that children are mature enough to keep a credit card.

To my mind, these days children are already used to high technologies from an early age and they are able to understand the importance of money. They might be taught its usage while playing some computer games. First of all, letting teens having credit cards teaches them responsibility with money. They have to make sure they have enough money at the end of the month to pay their bills for education or renting apartments. This way they can truly learn how to use it properly and manage their money well.

In addition, by using a credit card teens can build up a good credit rating, while they are still young. This way, when they want to buy a car or a house, they can get a loan much more easily.

However, there are some people who oppose the idea of teenagers’ using credit cards. They think that it is better for teens to use cash as they can see real money being spent, unlike with credit cards, which makes spending seem unreal and they may run into debts.

Nevertheless, I do not agree with the above opinion. Credit cards are extremely convenient. Teenagers can distantly ask their parents for some money for a school meal, for example.

To sum up, although usage of credit cards by young people might seem a bit unjustified, I strongly believe that credit cards are really helpful. Obviously, parents should give teenagers some freedom of choice.


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