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How watching movies helps to learn English? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

I believe in myself. Successful language learning is a brilliant start for my future career. I am an adult person but sometimes I speak like a child and make many grammatical mistakes. I'm trying to deal with this and that's what I came to the conclusion. Recently I found some golden secrets of learning language.

It’s hard to believe but the first step to success called motivation. Motivation is the most important things. We all know that is easier said than done. Every day many people come across a lot of unknown words and make a lot of mistakes in pronunciation. Sometimes people forget about speaking. The second secret is trying to develop your ears for the language, enjoy listening to English songs and watching movies.

Due to movies, the world has become a smaller place.

Documentary films, detective series, thrillers, murder mysteries, dramas, soup operas, comedies… It’s a difficult to ignore large quantity information. Your choice should be more moderate. There are a lot of films in English and it’s a good timing for start.

How watching movies helps to learn English? It’s a very difficult question, but I try to answer. Watching English movies or TV is one of the best ways to improve skills in comprehension. Include your favorite TV shows with subtitles, you will have fun and memorize new words. Keep your eyes and ears and you will find a lot of possibilities. Pay attention to interesting things: phrases and grammar structures. Don’t panic if you don’t know how to translate the words from English and vice versa. Enjoy working with a dictionary.

To tell the true, I feel a bit shy about the level of my English and media helps me to learn a lot of English idioms, prepositions, grammatical structures. And, of course, movies in English with English subtitles help me to improve skills in writing. I enjoy improving my memory and brain. I know exactly my hard work will bring me great result in learning English. Never give up and strive forward and then, I am sure, everything will work out!


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