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Technical progress is always harmful for the environment пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays there are lots of science and technology achievemens.Some people believe that technical development stronly demages our planet.However,others disagree with it.Here,i woul like to introduce my point of view on the issue.

In my opinion,human's inventions do more harm than good for the nature.Firstly,the waste from factories and plants goes into river,lakes and seas, it pollutes the air and the atmopshere with gases.As a result,people's activity destroy the environment because pollution causes the disappearance of many species of animals and plants and this surely breaks the ecological balance.Secondly,the number of cities increases and this provide deforestation.Many forests are cut down every year and lots of animals lose their homes and their natural habitat.

However,some people may think differently.They believe that people's technical achievements have a good affect on the nature.For example,people build dams to protect animals and other people from floods.

I totally disagree with this point of view.People interfere in the ecosystem and break its balance that is harmful for the nature.This means that every human's action has an impact on the environment.

To sum it up,i woul like to say that science and techical progress undoubtedly hamrs our nature because when people make the new invention that will simplify our life they do not think about its bad affect on our planet.


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