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The weather affects the way people feel and behave Пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Influence of the weather is one of the most discussed topics nowadays. Some people think it has a great effect on their emotions and conduct, others have a different opinion.

Personally, I believe weather conditions deeply affect people. There are some reasons to prove my point of view. Firstly, the weather can change a human’s behaviour. People often behave aggressively and nervously during the stormy and windy weather. Secondly, the weather influences on the way people feel. For instance, when rainy days come many people catch a cold. In that case, they become listless and lethargic.

However, some people claim that human’s mood cannot be changed by the weather. It can be changed by different life-events. For example, when some important examinations are taken by a person, he feels nervous and worried and it does not matter what the weather is.

Nevertheless, I strongly disagree with the opposing opinion.

The clear and calm weather helps a student to concentrate during taking an examination. On the other hand, if it is too hot or too cold, the student becomes more anxious than ever.

To sum up, despite the fact that many people do not believe the weather can affect the way people feel and behave, I have a different opinion. I am convinced that the weather has a significant influence on human’s emotions, senses and conduct.


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