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Modern TV series are better than blockbuster films пример 2019 (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There is no doubt that both modern TV series and blockbusters can be interesting. Some people claim that TV series are more entertaining than blockbusters, whereas others question this opinion.

To my way of thinking, TV series are far preferable to blockbusters for a number of reasons. Firstly, TV series are entertaining. They allow people to relax after the working day rather than challenge the brain too much. Secondly, TV series depict our life, tell us about the events which can occur in reality. There are a lot of dramatic events, such as murders, divorces or love affairs. All these make them very attractive. Thirdly, many television characters often become the extended family of the viewers.

However, some argue that blockbusters are a worthwhile alternative.

In their belief, this kind of movies is more spectacular because they have many special effects and famous cinema stars. That is why the audience admire them.

Nevertheless, I tend to disagree with this point of view. Even though special effects play a big role in motion pictures, it is not the most important feature, because the plot is more important. However, the vast majority of modern blockbusters have a predictable storyline and stereotyped characters. For example, there is usually a hero who saves the world.

To sum up, in spite of the fact that some believe that blockbusters are more spectacular, I am strongly convinced that today’s TV series are more appealing to modern viewers.


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