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Each child should be able to play some musical instrument пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It's common knowledge that it's impossible to successfully bring up a child without developing his skills in different areas. That is why it is important to not only teach your child maths but also develop his creativity. Nowadays, there is an opinion that every child should be able to play some musical instrument. Some people agree others claim that the ability to play musical instruments is insignificant and even useless.

In my opinion, being able to play a musical instrument plays a crucial role in children's education. Firstly, it provides a balanced development of the brain. Different halves of our brain are responsible for different spheres of our activity. The left half is developed when we do creative work.

Music contributes to the development of this half. Secondly, creative development increases the likelihood of academic excellence. Many neurological pieces of research on music training for children have proven that children who play musical instruments achieve higher results in school.

However, some people disagree. They claim that teaching a child to play a musical instrument is unnecessary. It takes a lot of time and effort to learn to play an instrument, and many modern children already have too much school work and extra curriculum activities.

I don't agree with the opposing opinion. I'm convinced that children should be properly educated, which means that their education should be balanced: it includes being developed in a wider range of spheres, for instance, in music.

In conclusion, I think that teaching a child to play an instrument is a crucial part in the education process. It is beneficial for children's development, therefore should be included into education.


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