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Technology is shaping how wars are fought, borders are protected, crooks are caught and individual rights are defined. In our contemporary world technologies have significant effect on the successful result of the wars (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Technology is shaping how wars are fought, borders are protected, crooks are caught and individual rights are defined.

In our contemporary world technologies have significant effect on the successful result of the wars. Some people support such opinion while others suppose that there are factors that are more relevant.

In my opinion, development of weapons influences on the outcome of the battle. Firstly, armaments with high blast radius provide opportunity to decrease the number of anomies without possibility been shouted.

As a result, the victory is insured. Secondly, technologies raise chances to win because rapid mobilization feasible only with modern vehicles.

In the contrast, professionalism of the warlord is more crucial because great strategy is able to deal with conflicts without battels. Moreover, solders is a core of the victory so right attitude solve the conclusion of the war.

Personally, I believe that every solder can manage the whole army and gain the victory by using recent developments. What is more, on the battlefield there are no difference between spirits of fighters. Thus, only weapons effect on the result.

To sum up, it is clear that modern technologies require much money but they influence on the length of the wars and decide what country will win. Solders’ professionalism and team spirit are very essential, too. However, I assume that superiority of weapons is the most crucial.


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