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Everyone should know the history of the country they live in. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Each country has a very long and interesting history. But not everyone knows the history of the country they live in. Is it so important?

In my opinion, knowledge of history shows an intelligent and well-educated person, who can talk to different groups of people and keep any conversation. Moreover, if a person knows the great moments of history, he feels proud of the country and its people. And as history moves through the centuries in cycles, knowledge of the history helps not to repeat the mistakes of the past.

Other people are sure that we spend too much time learning the country's history.

They say that when we look back into the past, it hampers future development. They think that we should think more about our future than to relive our past problems.

I cannot fully agree with this opinion. I understand that it is very important to think about the futuer, but if we have historical experience, it helps to develop faster and not to be afraid of changes.

To sum it up, I would like to say that knowledge of our country's history helps us to understand what problems await us in the future.

Each country has a very long and interesting history. But not everyone knows the history of the country they live in. Is it so important?

In my opinion, knowledge of history shows an intelligent and well-educated person, who can talk to different groups of people and keep any conversation. Moreover, if a person knows the great moments of history, he feels proud of the country and its people. And as history moves through the centuries in cycles, knowledge of the history helps not to repeat the mistakes of the past.

Other people are sure that we spend too much time learning the country's history. They say that when we look back into the past, it hampers future development. They think that we should think more about our future than to relive our past problems.

I cannot fully agree with this opinion. I understand that it is very important to think about the futuer, but if we have historical experience, it helps to develop faster and not to be afraid of changes.

To sum it up, I would like to say that knowledge of our country's history helps us to understand what problems await us in the future.


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