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It’s important to rise to the challenge (example) (Сочинение на свободную тему)

Different kinds of challenges accompany people throughout their lives. They can be problems on the work, quarrels in families, financial difficulties, a person’s inner fears and so on. Lots of people prefer to remain in their comfort zones and just ignore taking daunting challenges losing their work, relationships, being deprived from new experience and opportunities.

Rut why is it so important to face challenges and struggle with obstacles on your way?

To start with, rising to the challenges is strongly connected with the spiritual and personal development. A person who is always challenged becomes more competitive, less vulnerable and self-confident. People obtain a better self-understanding, identify their strengths and weaknesses because during the struggle with difficulties they test themselves in various extreme conditions, and are pushed to their limits, tormented.

Challenges produce resistance, which develops inner fortitude. As you go through challenges, you become stronger and stronger. Challenges are an excellent opportunity for growth.

Reing challenged also increases self-esteem as a person can see and analyze the progress and achievements they get in comparison with a starting point, so they appreciate themselves more. As you succeed with each challenge, you trust yourself to overcome future obstacles. You gain many great advantages when you overcome your challenges.

Resides, facing challenges gives people a great chance to broaden their horizons because getting a promotion or a higher position, for example, means obtaining deeper knowledge, looking for information, taking courses and visiting extra-classes. To master in any new occupation or leave your comfort zone you need to get proficient skills and learn new things that makes you well-rounded and better educated. Challenges also enable one to remain focused and confident during high-pressure situations to perform at one’s full potential, so a person is able to test their own limits. Furthermore, rising to challenge provide people with freedom. Freedom from their own fears, self-limiting beliefs, opinions of others, doubts and insecurities.

Thus, challenges make us grow and shape us. The biggest problem people have is that they hope for a life without problems.

Regardless of the result, you should value the experience and personal growth.


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