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38. Travelling, free time (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The aim of the project I am currently working on is to explore what are the main factors affecting the choice of travelling in Zetland. As a part of my project I have found some table on this subject, which I am going to analyse.

As can be seen from the table, 38% of the surveyed choose a trip by its price, making it the most popular factor. It is also worth mentioning, that 31 percentage of the respondents thinking about safety. The least popular reason is shopping, at 6%.

The table also shows that people considering about travel cost is almost four times more than those who watch sights. It can be seen that on any trip, the most important thing is the price.

One problem that can arise with travelling is that unforeseen circumstances can happen while traveling.

To solve this problem people should contact travel agencies.

I think the most important factor is the dream to visit some place on earth. What a person wants to see is how he will choose the course of the journey.

Dear James,

Thanks for your email. I was happy to hear from you again.

In your message you asked me several questions. To tell the truth, I spend much time online, but the last month I have been diligently preparing for my exams, so forbid myself to sit online. Usually I chat with my friend, watch the funny video and even prepare for my study. As for me, most of all I use Instagram, because see photos and short videos of my friends. Also I love Netflix website, because I can watch the newest films and serials.

By the way I want to ask you several questions. How old is your new French teacher? What is her name? Where is she from?

Well, I’d better go now as I have to do my homework.

Best wishes,



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