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Freedom of press - achievements of democracy (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The freedom of press is an essential element in any democratic system. A free and independent press is a pillar of democracy, which allows individuals to express their different opinions and ideals without fear of censorship or retaliation. It also promotes the free flow of information and ideas, allowing people to make informed decisions and participate in the democratic process.

y providing different perspectives, a free press is able to keep government accountable and prevent abuse and corruption.

Freedom of the press is a fundamental human right, and it supports other individual freedoms by providing information and raising awareness about issues that are relevant to society. A free press allows for healthy public discourse, and enables individuals to form their own opinions based on sound evidence and arguments. The media also acts as a check on power, by investigating and exposing corruption and misconduct in the government, public institutions, and private organizations.

y ensuring that the public has access to information and news, the media also promotes transparency and accountability in the democratic processes.

A free and independent press is crucial for preserving the democratic system and promoting the values of human rights, liberty and freedom.

Without the freedom to express one's beliefs and ideas without fear of censorship or retaliation, a democratic society cannot survive and prosper.

y providing a safe space for diversity of opinions and ideas, a free press promotes and encourages a vibrant culture of open and healthy debate, which allows individuals to form their own opinions and make informed decisions. It also promotes transparency and accountability in the government, and ensures that the public have access to accurate and independent information.

In conclusion, freedom of the press is a fundamental right that promotes the values of democracy, accountability and transparency. It helps protect human rights, and fosters a culture of open and healthy debate.

y providing the public with reliable information and diverse perspectives, a free press encourages participation in the democratic process, and promotes integrity and efficiency in the government. Freedom of press is thus a crucial achievement in the development of a democratic society.


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