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What skills teenagers prefer to learn) (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

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It goes without saying that learning is important nowadays. While doing my own project on what skills in Zetland teenagers prefer to learn. I have found some relevant data presented in the form of pie chart, and in this essay I am going to analyse it and give my opinion on this issue.

Overall, as can be seen from the pie chart 36% of teenagers prefer to learn haw to drive a car. The roller-skating is also quite popular with 24% of respondents. The smallest number of young people (9%) want to learn cooking.

Surprisingly, only 12% of teenagers choose dancing as their preferred learning skill, which is slightly less popular than roller-skating (24% of respondents). It means that dancing is not so captivating for teenagers.

One issue that can arise with developing new skills is lack learning courses.

For example, I would like to learn archery but we don’t have such courses in our city. Consequently, in order to solve this problem it is necessary to open various learning courses even in unpopular destinations in all cities of Russia, and not only in Moscow.

In conclusion I believe that learning new skills is important for teenagers because it develops personality and makes life more interesting. Moreover, new skills will definitely be useful in life.

Оценка эксперта:

of teenagers prefer to learn haw to drive a car.

In conclusion, I believe that learning new skills

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