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Books example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

whether reading is popular with teenagers, and why, or why not;

what kind of books you like reading;

why many people prefer e-books to paper books;

what your attitude to reading is.

Well, I would like to give my opinion on reading books.

Unfortunately, reading is less popular nowadays than it was some years ago.

ecause, thanks to high technologies the last century gave us the Internet and provided the world with a lot of different gadgets, which give us a chance to get various information in many fields. That`s why there is no need to buy or borrow books from the library.

esides, the Internet is able to entertain and to find new friends.

As for me, I enjoy reading. I can't live a day without a book. My favourite kinds of books are detectives and adventure stories, they stir my imagination, expand the boundaries of the familiar world.

esides, I like historical novels, as knowledge of past is important for our future. And such books help me to talk to people, who lived hundred years ago.

Thanks to developments of civilization, we have a chance to read not only paper books, but also e-books. In my opinion, nowadays many people prefer e-books, because they are light, compact and store thousands of books.

esides, while you travel it's better to use e-books instead of paper books.

No doubt, reading develops our grammar skills and vocabulary.

It goes without saying I can read at any time and in any place, nothing can influence it. I should say that reading makes my mind work better.

I have come to the end of my talk. That`s all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening.


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