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Yesterday I read a book about dreams. It was very interesting. How often do you have dreams? What kind of dreams do you have? Have your dreams ever come true? …I visited a Toy Museum yesterday… (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Вариант 1:

Dear Nancy,

It's great to hear from you! I hope you're doing well.

egarding your question about dreams, I have them pretty much every night. They're usually vivid and sometimes a little strange, but I find them fascinating nonetheless. Unfortunately, I don't think any of my dreams have ever come true - but who knows, maybe one day!

I'm glad to hear that you found the book about dreams interesting. What did you learn from it? Do you have any favorite dream-related theories or authors?

On a different note, I couldn't help but notice that you mentioned visiting a Toy Museum in your message.

That sounds like such a unique and fun experience! What kind of toys were on display? Did you have a favorite exhibit? Would you recommend the museum to others?

I'd love to hear more about your trip to the museum. What inspired you to go there in the first place? Did you go alone or with others? Do you have any other museum recommendations for me?

Looking forward to hearing back from you soon!


[Your Name

Вариант 2:

Dear Nancy,

I hope this email finds you in good health and high spirits. It's always a pleasure to hear from you. Thank you for sharing your recent experiences with me. I loved learning about your visit to the Toy Museum and the book you read about dreams.

To answer your questions about dreams, I dream almost every night. They are usually a mix of emotions and scenarios, and sometimes they are incredibly vivid, while other times they feel vague and fragmented. However, I do not think any of my dreams have ever come true, but who knows? Maybe they will come to fruition one day.

I'm curious to hear more about your visit to the Toy Museum. What kind of toys did you see there? What was your favorite exhibit? Were there any special collections or unique displays that stood out to you? Also, did you learn something new from the museum?

Furthermore, I'd love to hear about what inspired you to visit the Toy Museum. Did you go on your own or with someone else? Would you recommend this museum to others, and why?

In terms of my museum experience, I recently visited the Natural History Museum, which was spectacular. Have you ever been there? If so, what exhibits did you enjoy the most? And do you have any other museum recommendations that you think I would enjoy?

I can't wait to hear more about your Toy Museum visit, and I'm excited to stay connected and share our experiences with each other.

Take care, and stay safe!

est regards,

[Your Name


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