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Composition on the topic «Only people who earn a lot of money are successful» (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It is not accurate to say that only people who earn a lot of money are successful. Success is a subjective concept and can mean different things to different people. It is important to define success on your own terms and strive to achieve your own personal and professional goals, rather than trying to meet external expectations or comparing yourself to others.

There are many different ways in which people can be successful. For some people, success may be measured by financial wealth and material possessions, such as owning a large house, a luxury car, or expensive jewelry. These material possessions may symbolize success and security to some people, and they may work hard to achieve them. However, it is important to recognize that these material possessions do not necessarily guarantee happiness or fulfillment.

In fact, research has shown that beyond a certain level, increased wealth does not necessarily lead to increased happiness.

Other people may define success in terms of personal achievements, such as earning a degree, starting a business, or excelling in a particular field. These achievements may represent a sense of accomplishment and pride, and may be a source of satisfaction and fulfillment.

Still others may define success in terms of relationships and connections with others. Having strong, supportive relationships with family and friends can bring a sense of happiness and purpose to life, and may be a key component of success for some people.

Additionally, some people may define success in terms of their contributions to society and the greater good. Making a positive impact on the world and helping others can bring a sense of meaning and purpose to life, and may be a key factor in feeling successful.

It is also worth noting that success is not necessarily correlated with income. Some people may earn a high income but not feel successful due to other factors such as a lack of fulfillment or happiness in their personal or professional lives. On the other hand, some people may not earn a high income but feel successful due to other aspects of their lives, such as strong relationships, personal growth, or a sense of purpose and meaning.

In conclusion, success is a personal concept that can be achieved in a variety of ways, regardless of income. It is important to define success on your own terms and strive to achieve your own personal and professional goals, rather than trying to meet external expectations or comparing yourself to others.


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