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Harry Potter summary and short retelling (Английская Литература)

The series begins with Harry Potter's arrival at Hogwarts. He learns that he is a wizard and has been invited to attend the school. Harry makes friends with

on and Hermione, and together they face challenges presented by their magical education. As they explore the magical world, they encounter a variety of creatures, including dragons, giants, and merpeople. They also discover the truth about Voldemort's past, and the threat he poses to the wizarding world.

The series follows Harry,

on, and Hermione as they battle Voldemort and his Death Eaters. Along the way, they face many obstacles, including the mysterious and powerful wizarding prison, Azkaban. They also discover the existence of powerful magical objects known as Horcruxes, which Voldemort has hidden in order to attain immortality.

In the end, Harry and his friends are successful in defeating Voldemort, and the wizarding world is restored to peace.

Harry is then celebrated as a hero and is given the title of Hogwarts' Headmaster. He marries Ginny Weasley and they have three children. The series ends with Harry and his family living happily ever after.

To be honest, I think that Harry Potter himself is a brave, loyal and determined young wizard who is determined to save the wizarding world from the dark forces of Voldemort. He is courageous, selfless, and willing to take risks in order to protect those he loves. He is also intelligent, resourceful, and has a strong sense of justice. He is a leader, a problem solver, and a loyal friend. He has a strong moral compass and believes in doing what is right, even when it is difficult. He is a powerful wizard with unique magical abilities and a deep understanding of the magical world.


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