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Coronavirus Crisis: For and Against (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It is an open secret that nations around the world are battling with a major outbreak of a new deadly virus, which started in the Chinese city of Wuhan on 22 January 2020. Some epidemiologists claim that the coronavirus epidemic will completely destroy the world as we know it. Therefore, there is an opinion that Covid 19 could be beneficial. However, this view is not universally accepted.

Personally, I think the epidemic is very dangerous and harmful as there is much incontrovertible proof. First of all, Covid 19 spreads easily and ruins millions of people’s lives in no time. A case in point is the death rate of this virus. Secondly, economic hardship is on the horizon for most of the world as its spread has left business around the world counting costs. For instance, the coronavirus pandemic hits people’s incomes and could cut up 50 million jobs worldwide.

Moreover, many sporting events have been cancelled including the 2020 Summer Olympics held in Tokyo. Finally, a large number of students have to turn to online learning.

Nevertheless, some people believe that coronavirus crisis has some advantages. To begin with, it does a lot of good to our environment as global carbon emissions have reduced significantly since the lockdown was announced. The canals in Venice usually polluted by boat traffic are now clear so there is plenty of fish.

Besides, there is mental health threat since many people will suffer as a result of restrictions on social interaction.

Despite my respect for this opinion, I cannot share it because the reduction in emission was largely due to reduced industrial activity. So when the situation becomes better everything will come back. Next, nowadays social interactions can be easily reinstated with up-to-date communication technologies.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the issues of Covid 19 is still to be discussed. I strongly believe that we will certainly deal with this formidable threat.


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