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40.2 How U.S. adults get news in 2018 (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays there are numerous ways people can get information, especially news. Doing a project on how U. S. adults get news I have found a 2018 survey, and I am going to comment on several key features.

According to the bar graph, the majority of adults in the USA use the Internet as a source of news since 80% of respondents chose this answer option. However, the number of grown-ups who use alternatives to popular ways of getting news is relatively low as it is only 7% of voters.

Looking at the details, reading newspapers appears to be more preferable than listening to the radio for 15%.

y comparison, the difference between the figure for reading newspapers and reading online is not so striking: it is 6% of respondents.

One problem that can be connected with getting news is doomscrolling.

The unconscious habit to spend a lot of time absorbing negative news may result in stress, insomnia and even overeating. However, there is a possible solution to the problem. People should be informed through the media about such tips to stop doomscrolling as using the apps that allow to limit the time of reading news or finding the activities to replace checking news.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that people have plenty of ways to get news, and the Internet is one of the most popular sources in the modern world, so it plays a big role. Although it makes information available for everyone, people have to choose what to read and watch wisely to avoid misimformation and to reduce anxiety.


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