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«Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper» — Francis Bacon (Сочинение на свободную тему)

Each day we hope for accomplishment and satisfaction of our most sacred desires and we'll achieve that once our hopes are realized.

There is a relation between our hopes and actions. Everybody knows, there's no feeling more satisfying than completing some project we had hoped for.

And there is the other side of this relation – sometimes people forget that hope without deed and word has no value. It brings no feeling of satisfaction at the end of the day as you stay with what you’ve started.

Hope, undoubtedly, has got practical use, it helps us manage stress and anxiety. We must never let it go, even when it seems already gone.

anksy, an artist, compares hope to a balloon in our hands in his painting "Girl with Balloon".

We may not see this balloon, but we can firmly hold the thread leading to it. Even for those who have already passed a long life path, it is necessary to accept that though their chances and choices are now very limited, they are not hopeless.

Hope is about tomorrow and our future. We know that having plans for the coming years is really important, it gives us some meaning in life. However, people live now and the most important thing for us to learn is to keep ourselves in the present – this day is all we really have to work with. Obviously, today will be influenced by what has already happened and its influence will extend to tomorrow and beyond, but what we have to do and to make lies here – in the moment. All this shows conclusively that we must never forget – hope is an abstraction; it never works until we start to act here and now.


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