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Appearance (Школьные сочинения)

Appearances are deceptive. I often hear this sentence, so I think it is true. Every day we meet a lot of people, which have some differences. I think these differences make us special, even if some people consider it unpleasant looking. It is part of our identity. However, lots of people like to judge everyone by appearance. And sometimes, it can hurt them. Unfortunately, in our modern world, it is important to have a beautiful face and expensive clothes. Accordingly, appearance equals the personality and character of a person. I cannot understand this trend, because nobody can choose their appearance. Our make-up or hairdo cannot hide our inner world.

I think it is silly to trust only people’s appearance because how people look does not matter. It is easy to make the wrong conclusion about a person if you will look only at the exterior.

When we meet a person, first we get acquainted with his or her appearance, which this person wants to introduce. It helps with clothes, hairdo or make-up. Only then, we can compare his or her appearance with his or her manners and attitude to others. I believe appearance does not equal personality because a girl can have green hair, lots of tattoos and nose piercing, but also the girl can be a volunteer or save people’s lives. Our appearance can say about our favorite styles and hobbies, but cannot say about us. Sometimes, when I see a person, who cannot proud beautiful face, I remember the novel “War and Peace”. One of the main characters do not have graceful and delicate features, silky hair and a neat figure, but she is the kindest person in the world. Maria

Bolkonskaya loves her family and she’s ready to do everything for her close people. She has an incredible inner world and a pure soul. However, people do not notice these qualities behind the unimpressive appearance. This example is the best opportunity to realize that our appearance cannot be the way to judge people.

According to the argumentation presented above, I can note that it can be dangerous to trust people just because of their looks. When we connect with a person, we notice features of appearance. We instinctively believe a person, who looks pleasant-looking, but not always he or she is magnificent inside. Sooner or later, their real identity comes out, however, it can be too late. So, appearance is not the best criterion for people. Of course, it does not mean that all beautiful people are bad. It means that appearances are deceptive and when you will decide to judge people by their looks, remember the famous idiom: “Never judge a book by its cover”.


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