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Is Arranged Marriage A Part Of The Past? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Dozens of people consider arranged marriages to be a relic of the past whereas some members of the society are convinced it is still a good way to bequeath a better future to coming generations. However, the institution of arranged marriages has both advantages and disadvantages.

On the plus side, in the case of arranged marriage, financial well-being, stability and future offspring's health are guaranteed. Parents who usually organize such marriages take care of their child and try to get him or her married to a fairly wealthy, educated candidate in good standing. For example, in India and Muslim countries future spouses's parents can interview more than a hundred of candidates before choosing the worthiest one. In addition to this, an arranged marriage is a real contract based not on love and passion but on calculation and common sense. That means the absence of scandals and other dramatic situations between spouses, and reduces the likelihood of divorce.

And this fact is incredibly important not only for a particular family, but also for the prosperity of the whole country, the persistence of traditional culture and customs. All in all, arranged marriages seem to be a very important institution of the society.

However, for every plus there is a minus. For one thing, because of one spouse's high income, the other one, especially a wife, can one day find herself in the «golden cage», that is, to be manipulated by a husband who will oppress her with his status or wealth to make her do what he wants. What is more, living with a person who you don't love may affect negatively on your health causing mental disorders and psychological problems. Last of all, the model of arranged marriages itself is becoming less actual in the modern world where democracy and globalistic values rule the day. Nowadays, women are more or less independent in many countries, thus they prefer a love marriage to an arranged one.

To sum up, despite the stability of arranged marriages, I strongly believe that it is a part of the past. On the one hand, such an institution has its own advantages, but conversely, our world is changing, and people are becoming too independent to let others set the rules of their life. Possibly, in the future arranged marriages will remain only in the history books.


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