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Wonder (Фильмы и сериалы)

'Wonder' is a 2017 drama film directed by Stephen Chbosky. The film gained instant success because of the amazing actors, such as Julia Roberts and Owen Wilson, as well as a wonderful plot.

The film tells the story of Аugust Pullman, a boy with a faciаl deformity, who has been home-schooled until fifth grade, but then is advised to go to real school by his mother to become more socially adjusted. The headmaster of the school is thoughtful and wise, so he asks August's future classmates to show him around and meet beforehand. Most of the students are rude and get scared of Auggie, some of them even start bullying him. There he faces a lot of challenges and obstacles, like bullying and complete isolation from students.

Luckily, due to some events, he fоrms a bond with one of his classmates, Jack. It appears they have got many things in common, so they start spending a lot of time together.

It's Halloween and everyone at school is supposed to wear a costume, which delights August since no one will be able to recognise him. Everything goes well, everyone is willing to talk to him, they are welcome and kind. However, when Auggie walks into the classroom, he overhears Jack talking extremely hurtful and mean things about him to other classmates. The reason is clear — Jack does not want to get bullied for friendship with August and thinks it is a good option in order not to 'lose face' in front of others. August gets ill and feels disappointed. Despite all the difficulties, August has a loving family, and his sister Via is always there for him. She reassures him and convinces him to go to school again. Via, being a teenager, has problems as well. It seems as if her parents completely forgot about her, and it bothers her. She knows that August is a special child and needs special attention, but she can't do anything with her envy. How will Via cope with that problem? Will August be able to be treated well and become respected, will Jack repent? If you want to find out, then I advise you to watch 'Wonder' on your own.

As I think, this film is wonderful and gripping. Even though the story is not quite new because this plot is common in film and book industry, it is still a pleasure to watch. I believe every child should watch it because it may appear enlightening to them and inspire to spread love and positivity towards other people. It so so important to be kind to everyone, especially to the ones who are discriminated and oppressed.


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