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Science and Technology (Школьные сочинения)

Comment on the following:

Nowdays technology is an important part of our life. We use computers and other electric equipment at work, on the street, at home. Everywhere. A modern person can’t live normally, as it was before, without gadgets. Everyone has a lot of all kinds of gadgets, Internet access and other things that have come with the development of science and technology.

However, some people believe that we rely too much on machines and that the more technology improves, the more lazy and weak people become. And on the one hand they are right. Our whole life revolves around various technologies and now it is considered commonplace. Many people "hide" in screens to take a break from reality.

Of course, all inventions have their disadvantages, many gadgets have a bad effect on the human nervous system, on the organs of vision, hearing, but they have also become so integrated into a person's life, embellished and simplified it that it is quite difficult to abandon them.

Just think, you, being at home, can find out all the news of the world, visit virtual museums, watch performances, and get an education. We get tons of information through the Internet.

ut people also use new technologies in different ways: someone will study new material, search for information, work, someone else stupidly freezes and just wastes time.

So if we use new technologies correctly, they will only improve our lives and will not cause harm.


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